National Ranking Roster Criteria
Effective March 12, 2024
The following criteria applies to athletes on the USA Judo Senior, Junior, Veteran and Visually Impaired National Ranking Rosters:
- Athletes must be a current USA Judo member AND have documentation on their Sport:80 profile of full US Citizenship or approved International Judo Federation Refugee approval in order to maintain status.
- Rostered athletes have 30 days from the start of a membership lapse or suspension to get back in compliance.
- Rostered athletes that do not fix their membership before the 30-day period will be removed and lose all previously earned points.
- All athletes receive automated notifications of membership lapse starting at 30 days prior. Suspension notifications are automatically sent day of.
- Points earned while an athlete is lapsed or suspended WILL NOT be recorded. Points lost due to the reasons stated above will not be reinstated.
- New athletes that have earned points have 30 days from the competition to verify citizenship through their USA Judo profile. Athletes that do not meet this will lose earned points.
- Any athlete, whose membership has/will lapsed during this month period and is selected/approved for an event representing the United States during this grace period, the athlete MUST renew their membership within 48 hours of selection notification by/to the national office. Failure to do so will result in them not being approved for participation.
- Competition in Novice categories does not earn points on the USA Judo national roster (regardless of citizenship).
- If a category is split into light and heavy due to weight disparities, only the heavier weight division will be awarded points.
- Athletes may earn points in multiple age / weight categories. However, athletes may only be selected / approved for international competition in their true age / weight category.
Junior National Roster Points Update #
As of June 19, 2023, all U.S. athletes competing in USA Judo National Point events will receive National Roster Points only in the age group and weight division in which they competed during the event.
Example: If a Cadet athlete medals in a Senior division, that athlete will only receive points on the Senior National Roster. The athlete will not receive points on the IJF-Junior and/or Cadet roster(s).