Hawaii Tenri Judo Invitational Tournament
Aug 5, 2023 - Aug 5, 2023 | Honolulu, HI, USA
Hawaii Tenri Judo Invitational Tournament August 6, 2023 #
DATE/TIME: Sunday August 6, 2023, Plan to start Bantam/Intermediate matches at 8:30 AM. Juvenile, Cadet and IJF Junior matches to start at 12 noon
PLACE: Hawaii Tenri Judo, 2236 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, HI 96817
HOST: Hawaii Tenri Judo.
WEIGH-IN: August 6, 2023 Bantam and Intermediate 7:30-8:15AM; Juvenile, Cadet, IJF Junior 11-11:30AM
ENTRY: USA Judo and ATJA Members: Each contestant/parent(s) must complete the "Waiver and Release of Liability and Agreement to Participate" form and the "Accident Waiver and Official Entry Form" (for each division entered). Non-USA Judo/ATJA members are also allowed to compete, however each contestant/parent must compete the “No Insurance Participation Waiver” as well as the “Code of Conduct” agreement. Walk up registration will be accepted with appropriate membership cards and paperwork. Membership may be purchased at walk-up registration through each Federation’s On-line Membership Platform.
FEES: $20.00 per contestant, per division entered. All entry fees are non-refundable and payable at weigh-in.
Make checks payable to: Hawaii Tenri Judo
Please Email entry information if possible including player name, year of birth, gender, novice/regular, and estimated weight to Gregory Chow at ghchow@yahoo.com before 6AM, August 6, 2023. (This helps to expedite matching and the start of the tournament) Bring paperwork and fee to weigh in. Any questions, call Gregory Chow 808-372-6447
Current IJF contest rules will be used with the following modifications: CARE System will not be in effect and three referees will be used as a modification. For Intermediate and bantam ages, the mat size will be 5x6 meters. The safety zone and out of bounds area between adjoining contest areas and to the outside will be at least 1.5 meters. For Juvenile, Cadet, and IJF Junior ages, mat size will be 8 x 8 meters with 3 meter safety zone.
True Double Elimination for groups of more than 5 players; Round Robin for groups of 5 or fewer.
Full IJF rules with standard USA Judo modifications.
Shimewaza allowed in Juvenile Divisions.
Shimewaza, Kansetsuwaza allowed in Cadet and IJF Junior Divisions
Competition Divisions: #
We will have separate male and female Intermediate, Juvenile, Cadet and IJF divisions however, we will likely combine male and female athletes in the Bantam if it is in the best interest of the competition. Each athlete may play in up to two divisions; first division must be the true age and weight; second division can be one age and/or weight division up. Novice athletes can also enter regular division as their second division.
Weight divisions will be light/middle/heavy and determined based on participating competitors’ weights.
Age divisions are based on year of birth:
IJF Junior 2003-2008 Cadet 2006-2008
Juvenile 2009-2010 Intermediate 2011-2012
Bantam 3 2013-2014 Bantam 2 2015-2016
Bantam 1 2017-2018
Novice divisions for white and white/yellow belts; Bantam Novice divisions will be newaza only; Intermediate and Juvenile Novice will be tachiwaza and newaza. Cadet and IJF Junior Novice divisions (gokyu-blue belt and below) may be available based on participation; these will also be tachiwaza and newaza, no shimewaza or kansetsuwaza
Novice intermediate and younger match duration will be 2 min with 1 min Golden Score. Regular Bantam, Intermediate, and Juvenile and novice Cadet/IJF Jr. matches will be 3 min with 2 min Golden Score; Regular Cadet and IJF matches will be 4 min with unlimited Golden Score.
Trophies will be awarded to first, second, and third place winners in Bantam and intermediate divisions. Medals will be awarded for first, second and third place winners in Juvenile, Cadet, and IJF Junior. Promotion points can be earned in the IJF Junior division.
Head Referees: Mr. Scott Morifuji
Referee volunteers are welcome; coaches, fans and spectators are also welcome
Contact information for the
Hawaii Tenri Judo Invitational TournamentHawaii Tenri Judo / Gregory Chow