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Statement of Principles, Ethical Behavior, Non-Disclosure and Conflict of Interest#

All groups and persons who choose to serve United States Judo Inc., (dba USA Judo), whether as volunteers or paid employees, are held to the highest standards of conduct and are accountable for acts in violation of this agreement. As guardians and custodians of Olympic ideals they assume an obligation to subordinate individual interests to the interest of the Olympic movement. What may be considered acceptable conduct in some businesses may be inappropriate in Olympic service and in service to USA Judo.

Those who serve USA Judo must do so without personal gain, to avoid any institutional loss or embarrassment and to behave in such a way that the organization’s trust and public confidence are enhanced. It is important to avoid any real conflict of interest as well as to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. The organization has provisions in place to approve pre- disclosed contractual arrangements in appropriate situations.

While no set of guidelines can guarantee acceptable behavior, the principles which guide behavior in this area are disclosure, physical absence and non-participation in the decision making process where personal or family gain is a possibility, and a commitment to honor the confidentiality of organizational information. All conduct is founded on integrity. Any individual accepting the honor of serving USJI must also accept these principles.

In our complex society of intermix of volunteer work, business interests, governmental activity, and family relationships often create potentially conflicting interests. What is required is disclosure of conflicting interests when they arise, as well as physical absence from and strict non-participation in any process relating to the matter in question. Conflict of interest shall include but not be limited to conditions where a member, businesses of members, or family are enhanced in financial means, position, gift, or services, that would not be accessible in absence of the member affiliation and service to USA Judo, in any capacity.

The following guidelines are not precise examples of or limitations on acceptable conduct:

  • The business of USJI is to be conducted in observance of both the spirit and letter of applicable federal and state laws.
  • USJI properties, services, opportunities, authority, and influence are not to be used for private benefit.
  • All individuals who act on behalf of USJI or its Committees or Subcommittees will be required to avoid all appearances of conflict of interests and shall maintain the confidentiality of all materials and information of the Committee or Subcommittee on which they serve. All individuals will make full disclosure of the nature and extent of any actual or potential conflict of interest when they first become aware of a conflict. In the consideration of an issue, where possible conflicts exist, such individuals will avoid evaluating, or in any other way influencing, directly or indirectly. Or voting on the matter involved, and will be physically absent during the evaluation and vote and shall not take part in any of the discussion or processes of the committee or subcommittee that ultimately proffers a recommendation to USA Judo. This includes, but is not limited to, the award of contracts, the purchase of goods and services, and the allocation of USJI resources.
  • Gifts, travel, hotel accommodations, entertainment, or favors are neither to be given nor received, except in the normal course of business of USJI. The gifts of cash, given or received, are strictly prohibited without prior notice and approval of the Executive Committee of USA Judo. And all approved transactions shall go through the administrative process maintained by the National Office. The trading of pins and mementos is acceptable conduct. Sports, media, entertainment, and other organizations routinely invite USJI personnel to attend sports and social events. Such invitations may be accepted if they are part of open and generally accepted practices, serve to promote the best interests of USJI and would not embarrass the individual or USJI, if publicly disclosed and do not compromise the objectivity and integrity of the recipient or donor. Gifts and favors of more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) value should not ordinarily be accepted or given. If circumstances render it awkward to refuse such a gift, the donor should be thanked and told that the gift is being accepted on behalf of and will be delivered to USJI. All gifts and favors accepted under the conditions above are to be reported within thirty (30) days to the National Office of USA Judo. For recording.
  • Expenses incurred in the furtherance of USJI business are to be reasonable, necessary and substantiated by receipts in original from.
  • All are expected to exhibit honesty, loyalty, candor and professional competence in their relationships with USJI and with each other.
  • Each individual has the responsibility to maintain and shall maintain the confidentiality of the organization in all matters of business in service to a committee or subcommittee. This includes both proprietary and sensitive information. The reporting agent of each committee and subcommittee shall be the chairman of the committee or a designee identified by written memo to the President of USA Judo. Prior to seating of the reporting designee of a committee.    
  • All expenditures in the course of normal  business by an individual, Committees, or Subcommittees of USJI shall be recorded and ledgered and shall be available on a monthly basis for review by the Executive Committee and President of USA Judo. Upon request. All expenditures in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($ 1,000.00) must include documented bids from three sources unless the source used is approved in advance by the Executive Committee (e.g. USOC, United Airlines Travel Desk for Domestic Air Transportation) or is pursuant to a contract approved by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee of USJI. All compensation paid to managers, coaches, or staff shall be paid and documented via the National Office in accordance with the approved Financial Protocols of USJI.
  • No member of a Committee or Subcommittee of USJI should vote on an issue pending before that Committee or Subcommittee where there is a direct or indirect benefit to that member or to a member of his or her immediate family. Coaches and instructors should refrain from voting on issues affecting their own students.
  • Breach of terms of this document may be grounds for immediate suspension from participation in the activities of USA Judo. Violation of state or federal laws may result in civil or criminal prosecution.



  1. If you or any member of your immediate family is an officer, partner, owner or employee of any entity which does business with USA Judo, please list the name and addresses of the entity, the nature of your relationship with the entity and describe the dealings.  If none, please state “none”.    (Download Form to complete)
  2. If you or any member of your immediate family holds an ownership interest in a closely-held company, or at least a 5% ownership interest in any public company which does business with USA Judo, please list the name and address of the entity the nature of your relationship with the entity and describe the dealings.  If none, please state “none.”   (Download Form to complete)
  3. If you have reason to believe that any of the entities with which you or your immediate family members are affiliated with may have business dealings with USA Judo in the future, please list those entities and the nature of such dealings.  If none, please state “none.”   (Download Form to complete)
  4. If there is any relationship or matter not disclosed above which might be perceived to compromise your obligations to USA Judo under USA Judo’s Statement of Principles or which may raise questions of a conflict between your duty and loyalty to USA Judo and your economic self-interest, please indicate here what the relationship or matter is.  If none, please state “none.”   (Download Form to complete)

Statement of Principles, Ethical Behavior, Non-Disclosure and Conflict of Interest