2019 Summer Slam
Jun 23, 2019 - Jun 23, 2019
The 15th Annual Summer Slam Judo Championships took place June 23rd at JFK High School in Paterson, NJ. Typically, the Summer Slam is hosted on the first Sunday in June, but with the USA Judo Sr. Nationals on the first weekend in June it was moved to another date to help with attendance. The date move worked out well, as there were over 300 competitors from all over the country. There were teams from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and even Virginia!
Four mat areas were running all day from 10:30am – 5:30pm! Competition started with the youngest athletes with Seniors starting at 3:00pm.
Six athletes were recognized for their outstanding performances:
- Outstanding Heavy Elite Grand Champion - Nate Keeve (JMJC)
- Outstanding Light Elite Grand Champion - Solomon Jujua (GWC)
- Outstanding Elite Female Grand Champion - Nicole Stout (JMJC)
- Outstanding Junior Competitor - Elisey (Darfight)
- Outstanding Technique - JR Foster (JMJC)
- Outstanding Teenage Competitor - Georgiy Zavalnik (Sword Judo Sambo Club)
The President of the USJF Mark Muranaka was in attendance and spoke before the event. Even though this was a USA Judo sanctioned event we all work together to take Judo in the USA to its maximum potential.
The Summer Slam had great attendance for a regional event in June! There were over 40 dojos represented and all divisions were very competitive! Athletes 10 years old and younger received a medal and novice and advanced competitors were split up so everyone has a great experience and fair competition!
This year the Event Director, Anthony Camal was able to get $1,500 in sponsorship money to put towards cash prizes: $500 Heavy Male Grand Champion (90kg, 100kg, +100kg) and $500 for Elite Light Male (60kg, 66kg, 73kg, 81kg) and the $500 for the Elite Women’s Grand Champion.
Participation at the Summer Slam has grown and improved each year thanks to the support of USA Judo and with Judo in NJ/NY being stronger than ever!