2025 Senior World Team Selection Procedures
Posted March 6, 2025 #
The 2025 World Championships will be held in Budapest, Hungary from June 13-19, 2025. USA Judo will select the team of 18 athletes (nine male and nine female) based off the list of the top 100 athletes in each weight category on the IJF World Ranking List (WRL) that includes all results through TBD 2025 (to be determined by the IJF Head Sport Director).
In accordance with the IJF Sport and Organization Rules, all athletes competing at the Senior World Championships must be ranked in the top 100 on the Senior WRL or top 16 on the Junior WRL as of the dates below:
- Senior WRL as of TBD 2025 (to be determined by the IJF Head Sport Director)
- Junior WRL as of TBD 2025 (to be determined by the IJF Head Sport Director)
In order to earn a direct qualification berth on the USA Judo Senior World Championship Team, all athletes must be ranked in the top 100 athletes in their respective weight category as of the Senior WRL of TBD 2025 published after the 2025 TBD Grand Slam (to be determined by the IJF Head Sport Director).
USA Judo will create a list of all U.S. athletes who are ranked in the top 100 on the WRL as of TBD, 2025 (to be determined by the IJF Head Sport Director). These athletes will be ranked by their point totals on the WRL with the nine highest male and nine highest female athletes being selected to the U.S. team. All selections will be based on the number of accrued points per weight division on the IJF World Ranking List, not the athlete’s individual position on the WRL.
Athlete A has 700 points in the 48 kg division and is ranked No. 15 on the WRL.
Athlete B has 690 points in the 57 kg division and is ranked No. 14 on the WRL.
Athlete A’s point total of 700 puts that athlete above Athlete B in team selection.
If any spots remain unfilled, the Top 16 Junior WRL (as of TBD) will be utilized to fill remaining positions based on athlete point totals on the Junior WRL.
There will be a maximum of two athletes in any single weight category. If a category has already been filled by two athletes, no other athletes may be considered for that category, unless there is a subsequent withdrawal from one of the two occupied slots. In the case of such a withdrawal, the next eligible person on the IJF Top 100 Senior World Ranking List (as of TBD 2025) will be selected to the team providing their weight division has unfilled slots. If the TBD Senior WRL is exhausted, the TBD Junior WRL will be used.
The above criteria is based on the current IJF eligibility rules. If the IJF changes eligibility rules USA Judo reserves the right to modify the 2025 Senior World Championships Team criteria.
Please Note: Athletes can only be entered in the weight category in which they earned their position. Points earned by the same athlete in multiple categories cannot be combined.