Veterans National Ranking Rosters
2024 Veteran National Ranking RostersPRINTABLE VERSION...
Veteran competition is open to athletes age 30 and older (age determined by Year of Birth) with tournaments open to athletes at the local, national and international level, culminating in the Veteran World Championships. Domestic competition opportunities include veteran events at the USA Judo Senior National Championships and President's Cup as well as the U.S. Veterans Open.
2024 Veteran National Ranking RostersPRINTABLE VERSION...
Age Divisions For USA Judo Veterans (Age determined by YOB only, not date of birth)Athletes will be allocated an age division based on the following criteria:Age FromAge ToYOB FromYOB ToFemale DivisionMale Division303419951991F1M1353919901986F2M2404419...
Points will be awarded by age/weight divisions.Points earned at a particular event are current for a maximum of one year, or on the anniversary date of that event (if a regularly scheduled annual event) if its anniversary occurs in less than a year.As ...
Goals of the Committee: The short term goal of the Veterans Committee is to build a strong and trusting relationship between USA Judo and veteran competitors in the United States. Also, to develop a line of communication with all veteran athletes to inform them of completion opportunities, rule changes, developmental opportunities (coaching, refereeing, promotion) and networking opportunities.
Long term, we plan to elicit backing from sponsorship to help support veterans athletes attending international events.
Veterans Committee Chair:
Brad Daniels
Cell: 260.726.5045