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Judo in Schools (JIS) helps schools and local organizations with creating a safe and healthy environment where children of all ages can thrive openly. This is done by bringing the original philosophy of judo to the classroom in a modern way by incorporating the basic judo morals with values taught today. We aim to equip the children with basic life skills that can be translated both at home and within society. Students are meant to learn how to control their feelings and emotions through The Judo Moral Code - Courtesy, Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Honor, Modesty, Respect, Self. Not only are these morals taught, but the continuous moving keeps children healthy and active in a much safer environment that many of today’s sports.

Health Benefits

One of the most important benefits of learning judo since the very beginning is the mental strength it develops. Not only are children required to remember movements and skills, but mental discipline and precision is taught thoroughly through learning the history of judo and practicing different moves. This can translate to their home life and future by better equipping the children for different situations that everyone encounters. Building this foundation at such a young age is imperative for a physically and mentally stronger life after the program.


Social Benefits

Even though judo is an individual sport, the practice is meant to bring athletes together as they learn the fundamentals. Children are often times at a loss when placed in a room with several new faces and it can be difficult to make new friends, but placing them in a room with likeminded children of the same age who all share a common interest can ease the tension and allow new relationships to be created at a better pace. Judo will also place them in a social situation where they must interact closely with other children. One of the most basic principles taught through judo is respect which can be translated through children’s everyday lives. Bullying is a rampant issue through most school systems and can take a toll on any child that is subjected to it or feels the need to inflict it on another; judo is an amazing way to teach children to not only respect their bodies but others around them as well. Children will learn empathy to helps prevent violent behavior and bullying through this program.


Tips To Remember

Never force your own ambitions or goals on your child. Every judoka, especially children, are meant to be free and open-minded while practicing this art and must stay so in order to succeed.

Every child progresses at a different rate. Children are still growing at this age and will take time to understand this sport in a mental and physical state.

The dojo belongs to the Sensei. Though you may feel inclined to, please remember that the instructor is fully certified and capable of making the correct decisions when it comes to training and progression through the ranks.

Be wary of your attendance. It is always encouraged to watch on as your child practices this art at tournaments and practices but be mindful that your presence may cause nervousness in your or other children.